Jean Cocteau and Hom Nguyen - the quest for the invisible

As part of the European Heritage Days and the 60th anniversary of Jean Cocteau's death, the opening of the "Tribute to Jean Cocteau" exhibition took place. Hom Nguyen was the guest of honor. The theme of the invisible haunts Jean Cocteau's cinematic work. The confrontation between his invisible creativity and his worldly visibility, built on legends and rumors, will give rise to an unbearable difficulty of being. A complex, expansive, evolving, tortured character, the poet's films blur the boundaries between appearances and the inner self, imagination and reality. Hom Nguyen, on the other hand, likes to question our imagination, making us aware of our inner worlds. The work of these two artists tirelessly traverses appearances to scrutinize the hidden reality that lies behind the visible, tracking down the part of eternity that lies hidden at the heart of our souls.

Exhibition in tribute to Jean Cocteau, espace culturel Paul Bédu, 91 490 Milly-La-Forêt. From September 16 to December 3, 2023.

Jean Cocteau and Hom Nguyen - the quest for the invisible