Sharing drawing lessons at the Salpêtrière hospital

Raised by a paraplegic mother, Hom Nguyen has always been familiar with the hospitable universe.

After his first series, " Sans Repères ", tracing the frustration linked to an impos­sibility to communicate, itself induced by the exodus lived by his mother, Hom Nguyen invites us to enter a new world: the psychiatry one.

On behalf the confirmation by Professor David Cohen that he could give drawing lessons to teenagers of the psychiatric sector of the Salpêtrière's hospital, the artist interpreted the frustration; not his, but the one lived by teenagers possess­ing a different language.

In the continuity of his past inspired by his mother's story, the " Inner Cry " series, born of this encounter with these children, takes the public to experience their distress, nightmares and realities and illustrates the interpretation of our subcon­scious dreams. Where the will to cry, asking for help, does not find echoes, no sound comes out, only remains the inner cry.

Sharing drawing lessons at the Salpêtrière hospital