Secours Populaire's solidarity art show - Solid'Art

Secours Populaire's solidarity art show, organised with the support of the City of Paris, is back for a third edition at the Carreau du Temple. This year, Hom Nguyen is sponsoring the event. The funds raised will be converted into free holiday days so that as many children as possible can go on holiday this summer. Even today, 1 in 3 children do not go on holiday. “I'd like to thank the Secours Populaire for allowing me to take part in this tremendous show of solidarity. I'm particularly touched by this event, because as a child I was lucky enough to go on holiday thanks to the generosity of associations. That's what opened my mind to other people and made me the man I am today”.

Solid'Art, Carreau du Temple, 75003 Paris. From 2 to 5 May 2024.

Secours Populaire's solidarity art show - Solid'Art